Fixing the Shadow met InDesign

Jul 6, 2012

De voornaamste functie van een schaduw in productfotografie is het ‘neerzetten’ van het product op een ondergrond. Maar het handmatig maken van schaduwen in Photoshop is iets dat veel tijd kost en daarom vaak niet gedaan wordt, het klokje tikt immers door en voor veel klussen is minder tijd dan je zou willen. Gelukkig is er InDesign. Met een snelle handigheid kun je de ‘saaie’ standaard dropshadow van de InDesign-effecten gebruiken om een realistische schaduw te maken. Ideaal voor productfotografie! Read more

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Marco nu ook auteur bij Nederlandse InDesign User Group

Jun 5, 2012

De Nederlandse InDesign User Group heeft een volledig nieuwe website, waaraan ik ook meewerk. Op de website kun je korte artikelen over InDesign en Adobe-gerelateerde zaken lezen en wordt je geinformeerd over nieuwe bijeenkomsten en ander nieuws van de Nederlandstalige InDesign User Group. Daarnaast kun je er gratis en voor niets meerdere volledige PDF magazines vol tips en tricks downloaden. Neem zeker even een kijkje!

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InDesign: Er komt overlopende tekst voor op deze pagina

Sep 19, 2011

InDesign kent een erg goede functie: “Er komt overlopende tekst voor op deze pagina”. Helaas zie je in dit venster ook een checkbox. Als je deze aanvinkt kun je deze waarschuwing in de toekomst voorkomen. Echter, je document heeft dan nog steeds een probleem met tekst die niet getoond zal worden, maar je zult hiervoor niet gewaarschuwd worden. Stel dat je nu per ongeluk ‘Niet meer weergeven’ hebt aangeklikt, hoe krijg je dan toch de waarschuwing terug? Je kunt de voorkeuren (of preferences) verwijderen, maar dat is wel erg rigoureus. Dit is makkelijker: InDesign / Voorkeuren / Algemeen. Klik op “Alle waarschuwingsdialoogvensters opnieuw instellen’ en je hebt je waarschuwing weer terug! (via @Studea).

Hits: 6624 Comments: 1

Royaltyfree Models: Rechtenvrije modellen ‘Zoeken & Boeken’

Jun 16, 2011

Als grafisch ontwerper of Art Director is het mogen organiseren van je eigen fotoshoots zonder twijfel één van leukste werkzaamheden. Wat is er mooier dan zelf alles voor een nieuwe campagne te kunnen bepalen? Uiteraard kijk je eerst bij de bekende modellenbureaus en je klant is ook erg enthousiast over je concepten. Tenminste… dat was hij tot hij de offerte van het modellenbureau ziet en je hem uitlegt dat hij vervolgens elk jaar opnieuw dient te betalen voor het gebruik van de modellen in de foto’s die je wilt gaan maken. Oh, én dat hij ook de rechten voor de verschillende media dient af te kopen. Wil hij later de foto’s ook online gebruiken? Bijbetalen. Outdoor? Opnieuw bijbetalen. Wat volgt is een discussie over prijzen, portret- en auteursrechten en een klant die er niet enthousiaster op wordt. Regelmatig eindigt zo’n discussie met de klant die aangeeft dat er één budget is voor ‘deze klus’ en dat jij dan maar wat in moet leveren of op zoek moet gaan naar betaalbare alternatieven. Read more

Hits: 5255 Comments: 0

InDesing CS5 hidden time-bomb

Dec 28, 2010

InDesign CS5 is having some serious scaling issues that can end up costing you a lot of money. I’ve noticed this crazy behavior with InDesign CS5 documents (on different MacPro’s running Snow Leopard) more than once now, so I feel save in warning you. When placing Illustrator artwork InDesign CS5 can change the scale from 100% to 99.997% or 100.002% when you alter the artwork and it get’s updated in InDesign. It’s a really small change, so you won’t immediately notice. However if you’re using InDesign to create Certified PDF files for complex work like packaging your printer IS going to notice. And it’ll be YOUR fault for supplying wrong artwork. After Photoshop’s ‘‘Couldn’t save .psd file because no write access was allowed” (rough translation of Dutch error message) I’m starting to feel a bit like a Beta-tester, Adobe.

Hits: 3400 Comments: 5

InDesign CS5 Link pallet just made my life a lot easier

Sep 8, 2010

Oh I’m really lovin’ this new InDesign CS5 Link pallet. Why? What’s new? Well, I always receive a lot of artwork created by others. And for some reason especially designers from Germany really like to use Photoshop and Illustrator EPS files. (EPS stands for Extremely Poor and Shitty). I use Photohop .PSD, TIF and .AI files because of transparency and spotcolor support.

Anyway what’s so cool about the new Link pallet? After I finished automatically converting every .EPS to .TIF using a Droplet I was able to quickly update all the 280 EPS files they placed in the layout. How? Well, have a look at the screenshots. First thing to do is to point the Link Pallet to the new directory and then all that is required is to activate the radio-button that says “simular filename, but with this extention….” Enter ‘tif’ and Bob’s you uncle. InDesign CS5 will automatically update all images. Excellent work, Adobe Engineers!

Hits: 3829 Comments: 6

Pas op bij het exporteren van je InDesign PDF

Aug 24, 2010

Het blijft voor een CS3-migrant opletten bij het exporteren van je PDF in InDesign CS5. Ditmaal betrof het een PDF gemaakt voor print, maar mét knoppen er in. De gedachte was om -naast de prints – het rapport ook als PDF te verzenden. Een interactieve PDF met knoppen naar Youtube-films welteverstaan. Knoppen maken is een makkelijk zat in InDesign. En een interactieve PDF, die had ik ook al vaak genoeg gemaakt. Echter… geen van de knoppen bleken ‘klikbaar’ in de PDF. Wat was er aan de hand? Read more

Hits: 4446 Comments: 1

Small but annoying new features with InDesign CS5

Aug 22, 2010

I’ve been working with InDesign CS5 for some time now and there are several small things that drove me nuts at first. (I’m a Creative Suite 3 migrant, so some of you CS4 users might already know about these things). First thing I noticed right away was I now need to pay close attention as to where exactly I click when I grab an InDesign image frame. Why? Well ,I didn’t know this but I tend to always grab an image frame in the center. When I work I pick up and move stuff around at lighting speed but I started noticing empty image frames. Now I knew I filled that frame and I also noticed the outline frame when I released it and jumped to another part of the page. But why was it empty now? Read more

Hits: 9351 Comments: 13

New Live Preflight Profiles for InDesign CS5

Jul 1, 2010

The Belgian VIGC just released an important update of their industry standard InDesign Live Preflight profiles. The VICG has implemented a lot of user feedback and integrated the new features for Adobe’s InDesign CS5. Apart from that there are now (the highly requested) new Live Preflight profiles for the packaging industry. All profiles can be downloaded for free at the VICG website. There is a form but filling out the information is not mandatory, but if you want to help the VIGC create even better profiles please do answer their questions. The VICG will not share the information with third party’s. They just want to have an idea how many people, from which part of the world, have downloaded their profiles.

Hits: 3330 Comments: 0

Live Preflight Profielen versie 2 voor Adobe InDesign CS5

Jul 1, 2010

VIGC: het Vlaams Innovatiecentrum voor Grafische Communicatie, brengt een belangrijke update uit van haar VIGC Live Preflight Profielen voor Adobe InDesign. De update is een antwoord op feedback van gebruikers, integreert nieuwe features van InDesign CS5 en voegt profielen toe voor de verpakkingsindustrie. Het volledige pakket is geheel gratis beschikbaar. Fouten voorkomen in de ontwerpfase is nog nooit zo eenvoudig geweest. Read more

Hits: 2788 Comments: 0

Speeding up your InDesign CS5

Jun 14, 2010

InDesign CS5 is here and not everybody is a happy camper. So what’s up? Well the same old problem… For some people InDesign is really slow even though their hardware is not that old. There are a few things you can do to get InDesign to feel faster though. First thing you might want to consider is to change ‘Live Screen Drawing’ to ‘Delayed’. Choose Edit > Preferences > Interface (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Interface (Mac OS). Choose Live Screen Drawing and set to Delayed, and click OK. Now InDesign will work just like the previous versions, so you won’t really notice anything. Next one up is ‘Live spell checking’. Kill it as it will eat up memory as well. Another quick win is to turn off page thumbnail. And —last but not least— don’t use Photoshop .EPS files. Their preview can slow down InDesign CS5 as well. Another thing you’ll notice straight away is exporting PDF files. After you export it looks like InDesign is just sitting there. It’s not. PDF export is now a “background task”. But you’ll never know because it would appear nothing is happening. You can activate a task bar that will show you the status. Window > Utilities > Background Tasks. If you want to stay informed or read up there is a good topic in the Adobe User Forum discussing the slowness.

Hits: 19055 Comments: 14

De über-shortlist van veel voorkomende InDesign- en opmaakfouten

May 13, 2010

Je ontwerp werd goedgekeurd en je hebt alle aangeleverde teksten verwerkt in een prachtige lay-out. De klant heeft je fotografie goedgekeurd. Je hebt er verschillende correctie – en aanvulrondes op zitten en je klant heeft eindelijk een definitief ‘okay’ gegeven op je laatste PDF. Het is eindelijk tijd om je artwork aan te gaan leveren bij de drukker. Is het een kwestie van ‘PDF maken en weg ermee’? Nee, na alle energie die je stak in dit ontwerp en de uitwerking ervan moet je nog één keer opletten. En wat is handiger dan een shortlist met veel voorkomende fouten? Read more

Hits: 7553 Comments: 4

Frans van der Geest: Nieuw InDesign CS5 boek bijna uit

Mar 15, 2010

Frans van der Geest is (bijna) klaar met zijn nieuwe InDesign CS5 boek. Als je —zoals veel Digital Engineers deden— de complete Creative Suite 4 over hebt geslagen, is het niet onverstandig een goed boek aan te schaffen aangezien er in Creative Suite 5 weer veel nieuwe en nuttige dingen te vinden zijn én aangezien je één versie achterloopt. Veel verbeteringen die al in CS4 zaten ben je immers nog niet machtig. Hou zeker na 12 April de site van Frans in de gaten, want dan is het embargo op het schrijven over de nieuwe CS5 functies opgeheven.

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The First Dutch InDesign User Magazine (pdf)

Nov 28, 2009

The First Dutch InDesign User Magazine was released yesterday. It’s a free download but registration at the InDesign User forum is required before you can download it. And because it’s a PDF Magazine you can use the links in each article to discuss or post questions at the InDesign User website. I also had the honor to contribute to the magazine and wrote an article about what to do after you’ve finished your design. I wrote about the checks you can perform to make sure your document will print fine and how to find and eliminate those small errors that always somehow sneek in complex designs. (It’s a rather lengthy article bit perhaps I’ll translate it if I get around to it). I hope the Dutch readers will find it usefull.

Hits: 3183 Comments: 1

ImageLibraryLoader: A free plugin for InDesign

Nov 10, 2009

Nice plugin by Rorohiko: “This tool gives you a floating library-palette filled with images that are automatically retrieved from one or more folders. Point the tool to a folder, and in return it will offer you a floating palette containing the images stored in that folder, ready to be drag-dropped into your document. Very nice. Download and more information right here.

Hits: 1920 Comments: 0

Finally! Setting non-western text using InDesign CS4

Nov 3, 2009

ScribeDOOR adds the ability to edit and treat text in 21 complex languages, including Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi and many Indian scripts. It can be installed, as a plug-in, in all Roman versions of InDesign CS4 (US, International English, French, Italian, Czech, Polish, and more). Menu’s are available in English and French and, best of all, your InDesign documents remain the same. You can exchange them with people not owning ScribeDOOR (although they probably won’t be able to edit the non-latin text). Up until now you had to purchase four different copy’s of InDesign if you wanted to do the same! (check out my Dutch article regarding this problem). At € 69 I feel you get great value for your money.

Via Aad Metz Linkedin Group.

Hits: 3055 Comments: 1

InDesign-To-RTF TextExporter

Nov 2, 2009

Have you ever needed to hand over a copy of all the text inside your InDesign document? I have and I needed to manually copy all the text. It took forever. Now, there’s a much smarter way to do it: TextExporter: “TextExporter is a free plug-in for InDesign that export all the stories of an InDesign document into a single file (RTF, InDesign Tagged Text or plain text)”. Excellent!

Hits: 4002 Comments: 1

12 plug-ins that offer over 100 new features for InDesign users

Oct 24, 2009

By Jan: DTP Tools announces the immediate availability of a free-to-download public beta of the Blatner Tools suite of InDesign plug-ins. This collection of 12 plug-ins offers over 100 new features for InDesign users, including the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to many previously unavailable tasks, create color and style reports, create fractions automatically, build character and paragraph styles and apply them acros an entire document quickly, and more. The Blatner Tools suite was designed by longtime industry guru David Blatner, who also co-hosts the site.

Blatner noted, “I love InDesign, but there’s plenty of room for improvement! Blatner Tools adds many of the features my clients and students have been requesting for years. Tools to create and manage styles better, the ability to find and replace colors, to quickly identify hard-to-locate document errors — this stuff was painful before, but Blatner Tools makes it all easy!”

Bob Levine, a trainer in the New York area and an Adobe Forums Community Expert has used the beta and reported, “Blatner Tools is more than just the sum of its parts — it’s the answer to a multitude of feature requests I’ve been reading over the past five years. If you want InDesign to do more, check it out.”

Hits: 2502 Comments: 2

InDesign User Group Amsterdam: MS Word for InDesign

Sep 22, 2009

The Amsterdam Chapter of the InDesign User Group has planned a new meeting for October the 14th at the Adobe HQ. My good friend and Adobe veteran Peter Villevoye will host the event and demonstrate how to save a bundle of time by letting Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign work together. If you’re still using copy/paste to move text from Word to InDesign you should really check out how to let your client do the formatting in Word. The stuff Peter will demonstrate doesn’t even require InDesign CS4. Most time-saving tricks will work using InDesign 1 as well! After Peter’s demo’s you’ll have the change to view the new and improved Adobe Digital Magazine. Bastiaan van Zwieten will show you just how he set up this new format and how you can create your own Digital Magazine with links, audio, video and lot’s more! More details about the meeting (in Dutch) after the ‘Read more’. Read more

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Automate InDesign Styling using Woodwing’s Smart Styles (VIDEO)

Aug 25, 2009

SmartStyles is a ‘Drag and Drop’ way to automate boring, repetitive tasks like formatting objects and text in Adobe Indesign. Smart Styles allow users to create an entire library with complex pre-formatted objects. Apart from that SmartStyles can insert formulas into InDesign tables and sort rows. Check out the 2 min. video. If you like what you see, you might want to check out the new Webinar sessions. They’re starting in just two days from now on August the 27th. Registering is required.

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InDesign User Group meeting coming up in Amsterdam

Aug 14, 2009

After the summer it’s time to get back in shape. And what’s a better way than to let the Pro’s from Adobe (and WoodWing) tell you all about the new productivity Tools? Learn how you can eliminate mind-numbing repetitive layout tasks and save a ton of time with WoodWing’s renowned line of Smart productivity plug-ins for InDesign and InCopy. Maarten van Kleinwee (Senior Technical Writer at WoodWing Software) will start by demonstrating the amazing power and flexibility of Smart Styles and Smart Layout. After the break, Maarten will demonstrate Smart Image and Smart Catalog, followed by a sneak peek into the exciting world of workflow and productivity in larger organizations. If automating your workflow is something you would like to hear about don’t hesitate, because seating is limited to just 75 people. More details at the website.

Hits: 1785 Comments: 0

WoodWing releases CS4-compatible version of Smart Layout

Aug 4, 2009

By Woodwing: Any design team working with columns of text and images, and interested in saving time in their creative workflows based on Adobe InDesign, would benefit greatly by using WoodWing’s Smart Layout CS4. Working on a layout with columns of text and images can be time-consuming, especially when changes have to be made to the layout afterwards. Smart Layout changes all that. When creating text columns with Smart Layout, the columns will automatically flow around other items already on the page. By combining the separate elements of an article like the headline, intro, text and images into one Smart Layout object, the users are able to easily manipulate this object and resize or move it, keeping the relation between the elements intact. All the while, they can still access all individual elements of the Smart Layout object. In addition, Smart Layout offers easy copy-fit options.

Read more

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Automating Layouts with the EasyCatalog Plug-in for InDesign

Jul 7, 2009

By Gabriel Powell: In Instant InDesign Episode 7, I introduced you to the amazing capabilities of EasyCatalog. Now I’d like to show you how to create a template that automates the production of a product catalog. Originally, this episode was going to demonstrate the entire process from start to finish, but I quickly discovered that there just wasn’t enough time in one episode to teach you everything. So I’ve created a third part, which will be covered in Instant InDesign: Episode 9. Check out more Instant InDesign in the RSS-feeds.

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A quick solution for sending out certified PDF files to old fashioned non-PDF printers

Jun 8, 2009

I love using InDesign and PDF. But ever since I started using real PDF workflows I grew contempt for printers with really old workflows. Especially the ones that will open my Certified PDF file in Adobe Illustrator just to print it. Almost every printer claims they’ve got a true PDF-Workflow and can process certified PDF files… It doesn’t happen often but occaisionally when it’s time to process my files a printer is on the phone asking me to please send an EPS, the InDesign file or ‘what not’ because they haven’t got this-or-that font. That’s all I need to know. They’re opening my PDF files in Illustrator. I can try to confince them Illustrator is not a PDF-editor and if they really want to work like that they could buy Pitstop Extreme. But usually they haven’t got a PDF-workflow because they don’t want to invest in more up-to-date software or an up-to-date RIP, so convincing them to update is not an option. So whats left? Manually select all text in my InDesign file, set everything to outline text-box by text-box and pray to God I don’t press Comamand+S and screw up my original file? Nope. There is a much quicker and easier way to set all text to outline in InDesign but it’s hidden… Read more

Hits: 3392 Comments: 3

Amsterdam InDesign User Group Meeting

May 18, 2009

Don’t forget the Amsterdam InDesign User Group is holding a meeting in Amsterdam next week, Wednesday the 27th. Both the Acrobat and InDesign User Group are working together to make sure you’ll have a good and informative day. Topic of the day is how to use both InDesign and Acrobat to create interactive PDF forms. These forms can be filled out on a computer and electronically submitted through email or the internet. Gabriel Powell (check out his RSS-feed called Instant InDesign over at your at right or his free ‘how to video’s) will discuss how to design a PDF form and he’ll explain just how to export it to PDF. Acrobat will be used to automatically convert it into an interactive form. Yuri Doesum (yes the same one that helped me set up the DEA or Digital Engineer Assembly last year) will demonstrate different methods for distributing a form and collecting responses. There are only 75 seats available so if you think your PDF-form designing-skills need some updatin’ I suggest you sign up. And hey, it’s free! (“Free” is a word we Dutch absolutely love).

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13 professional ‘Live Preflight’ profiles for Creative Suite 4 (update)

May 9, 2009

I personally dislike using Live Preflight-profiles but they can come in quite handy especially if you’re new to this whole ‘graphic design’ thing or if you’re a webdesigner needing to do some occasional print work. (What’s a Live Preflight? Check out’s short video and accompanying 600 Mb sample file). Nice, but – as always – the Preflight is only as good as the profile defining the preflight. And this is where those nice people from Belgium come in. The Ghent Work Group VIGC got together and created 13 Live Preflight Profiles for the creative professional. Why 13? Read more

Hits: 2725 Comments: 1

Setting the perfect white text

May 3, 2009

Putting white text on a colored background? We’ve all done it. Oh, it looks great on your screen. But when you receive the printed artwork it doesn’t look all that good. If you look closely you can see the white type is a bit blurry, almost like something took a lot of little bites out of the type. This not-so-sharp phenomenon is due to the offset printing process and the way color is replicated (using halftone dots). But there is an easy way to reach much higher quality – and better readable – type. It requires almost no effort and all you need is InDesign. Take a look at these screenshots and extreme close-up photo’s. Read more

Hits: 4378 Comments: 3

The real designer knows when to hold and when to fold

Mar 31, 2009

One of the things you really have to learn ‘as you go’ is designing with folds. There really is only one way of creating a perfect design with folds in it: Designing, printing, getting out the scissors and probably re-designing) . Only with a dummy-shape in your hand can you really see what will happen when you actually fold your design. And if you’re new to this – or just in a hurry – you are likely to make little mistakes. But if you’ve got InDesign there is an automated way to produce folds with little or almost no effort. Read more

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InDesign’s CS 4 (6.01) Preflight still can’t collect everything

Mar 25, 2009

Good colleague (Dutch InDesign trainer and speaker at my Digital-Engineer event last year) Frans reports about a bug in Adobe’s Indesign CS4 for OSX. I hadn’t noticed it because all the artwork I create using inDesign gets send out like a certified PDF. But if you send out complete InDesign ‘packages’ you need to be aware InDesign won’t collect all the links when you ‘collect for output’. So what’s up? As always, when you know what to look for the answer is simple. Read more

Hits: 6476 Comments: 10

Adobe InDesign’s hidden transparancy-flatteners

Mar 20, 2009

InDesign’s standard transparancy-flattener setings (Low, Medium and High) are nice, but to get your artwork flattened just right the settings really need some tweaking. Just about everything I create is done using InDesign so applying the right transparancy-setting is very important indeed. When I’m talking about ‘the right setting’ I mean ‘right for print and ‘artwork to be delivered as a Certified PDF, of course. There is no need to go experimenting. A group of companies inclusing Adobe and Enfocus have already done that for your convenience. You just need to click the download button and install the proper settings. Read more

Hits: 14949 Comments: 2

RGB workflow in ‘real life’

Feb 16, 2009

You might have heard about the RGB-workflow and InDesign. But what exactly is it? What can you do with it? How do you set it up? What’s the advantage? A lot of good questions and I’ll try to answer them in this article. Just keep in mind: There’s really only one strategy for graphic designers using the RGB-workflow: Retain as much information as possible. Read more

Hits: 12231 Comments: 3