Defective Apple Update Breaks OTF Fonts !Update!

Posted by Marco on Apr 2, 2011 in PDF

Via Printtools: “David Caolo warns that Mac OS X 10.6.7 introduces issues with PostScript-flavoured OpenType fonts. In a thread on Appleā€™s Discussions boards Kurt Lang describes problems with regards to printing and PDF handling. My own experience indicates this is also true of Pages documents. My PS Dell Printer errors out when I use the fonts I have had embedded in my Pages templates for years.” Read more on Stephen Beals website Printtoolz or join the Printtoolz Linkedin Group.

Update: Hellrod said @typegirl A lot of people are having success with Onyx. More detail at the end of this discussion:

Update2: I talked to Adobe Evangelist Rufus. He already upgraded. He had only tested a PDF done by InDesign and experienced no problem. But InDesign has it own render engine. After tests with Apple Pages Rufus’s Mac now also creates bad pdf files with broken letters. Check out his screenshot.

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  1. Ebizman | April 19, 2011 | 23:27 CET

    I had no success with Onyx - still get “invalidfont” when I print to my Dell 5130. 

    I hope that Apple is working on an update because I am dead in the water.

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