ISO 12647 certified printers in the Netherlands update 2010

Posted by Marco on Jul 13, 2010 in ICC

A new update regarding ISO 12647 printers in the Netherlands has been provided by Henk Gianotten. As most of you reading this blog know, the purpose of ISO 12647 is to create and standardize the quality of print. There have been a few changes with regards to the last update. Some printers had to be removed from the list, either because they went ‘belly up’ or because they could (temporarely) no longer guarantee the ISO 12647 quality. This is not to say they suddenly became bad printers, but rather they were not able to produce the formal quality papers ISO 12647 the Fogra, BVDM, UGRA, WAN-IFRA or SCGM organizations demands. When those printers do provide the documents they will once again be added to the official list. You can view the new list after the break.

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  1. Henk Gianotten | July 14, 2010 | 02:48 CET

    ISO just publishes the standards. ISO does not demand the specified quality. The Fogra, BVDM, UGRA, WAN-IFRA and SCGM organizations demand the quality. They certify.

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